Selected publications
Postprandial blood glucose control using a hybrid adaptive PD controller with insulin-on-board limitation. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 8:724-732.
2013. Reactive Sliding-Mode Algorithm for Collision Avoidance in Robotic Systems. Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 21:2391-2399.
2013. Safety Auxiliary Feedback Element for the Artificial Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 60:2113-2122.
2013. Second-order sliding mode observer for multiple kinetic rates estimation in bioprocesses. Control Engineering Practice. 21:1259-1265.
2013. Sliding Mode Reference Coordination of Constrained Feedback Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. :ID-764348,11pages.
2013. Stability preserving maps for finite-time convergence: Super-twisting sliding-mode algorithm. Automatica. 49:534-539.
2013. Systems coordination: using geometric set invariance and sliding modes ideas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI. 10:390-401.
2013. Theoretical study of the maximum power point of n-type and p-type crystalline silicon space solar cells. Semiconductor Science and Technology. 28:045010.
2013. Dynamic estimations of metabolic fluxes with constraint-based models and possibility theory. Journal of Process Control. 22
2012. Flexible power control of fuel cells using sliding mode techniques. Journal of Power Sources. 205:281-289.
2012. Gain scheduled control based on high fidelity local wind turbine models. Renewable Energy. 37:233-240.
2012. Multivariable 2-sliding mode control for a wind energy system based on a double fed induction generator. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 37:10070-10075.
2012. New concept in maximum power tracking for the control of a photovoltaic/hydrogen system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 37:14951-14958.
2012. Nonlinear PI control of fed-batch processes for growth rate regulation. Journal of Process Control. 22:789-797.
2012. A path conditioning method with trap avoidance. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 60:862-873.
2012. Reaction rate reconstruction from biomass concentration measurement in bioreactors using modified second-order sliding mode algorithms. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 35:1615-1625.
2012. Sliding mode observer for biomass estimation in a biohydrogen production process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 37:10089-10094.
2012. A supervisory loop approach to fulfill workspace constraints in redundant robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 60:1-15.
2012. .
Evaluation of hydrogen production capabilities of a grid-assisted wind-H2 system. Applied Energy. 88:1857-1863.
2011. Sliding mode speed auto-regulation technique for robotic tracking. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 59:519-529.
2011. Specific growth rate estimation in (fed-)batch bioreactors using second-order sliding observers. Journal of Process Control. 21:1049-1055.
2011. 2-sliding active and reactive power control of a wind energy conversion system. Control Theory Applications, IET. 4:2479-2490.
2010. Control design for an autonomous wind based hydrogen production system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35:5799-5807.
2010. Control of a grid-assisted wind-powered hydrogen production system. Int J Hydrogen Energy. 35:5786-5792.
2010. Low-cost sliding-mode power controller of a stand-alone photovoltaic module. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology.
2010. Multi-loop two-degree-of-freedom PI controllers with adaptive set-point weighting. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 224:1033-1039.
2010. Second order sliding power control for a variable speed-constant frequency energy conversion system. Energy Conversion and Management. 51:3000-3008.
2010. A simple robust controller for power maximization of a variable-speed wind turbine. International Journal of Energy Research. 34:924–932.
2010. Variable gains super-twisting control for wind energy conversion optimization. Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 2010 11th International Workshop on.