Selected publications
Variable structure strategy to avoid amplitude and rate saturation in pitch control of a wind turbine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35:5869-5875.
2010. Wind turbine efficiency optimization. Comparative study of controllers based on second order sliding modes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35:5934-5939.
2010. Chattering reduction in a geometric sliding mode method. A robust low-chattering controller for an autonomous wind system. Control and Intelligent Systems. 37:39-45.
2009. A geometric approach for the design of MIMO sliding controllers. Application to a wind-driven doubly fed induction generator. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 19:22–39.
2009. Geometric invariance and reference conditioning ideas for control of overflow metabolism. Journal of Process Control. 19:1617-1626.
2009. Simulación de un algoritmo para controlar el nivel en tolva ante alimentación discontinua de caña. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI. 6:54-60.
2009. Smooth sliding-mode observers for specific growth rate and substrate from biomass measurement. Journal of Process Control. 19:1314-1323.
2009. Active and reactive power control of a brushless doubly fed reluctance machine using high order sliding modes. Electrical Machines, 2008. ICEM 2008. 18th International Conference on.
2008. Collective Sliding-Mode Technique for Multivariable Bumpless Transfer. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 47:2721-2727.
2008. Experimental results on smooth path tracking with application to pipe surveying on inexpensive AUV. Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008. IROS 2008. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on.
2008. High-Order Sliding Control for a Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 23:860-867.
2008. Hybrid control of a photovoltaic-hydrogen energy system. Int J Hydrogen Energy. 33:3455-3459.
2008. Hydrogen production from idle generation capacity of wind turbines. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 33:4291-4300.
2008. Optimal gain-scheduled control of fixed-speed active stall wind turbines. Renewable Power Generation, IET. 2:228-238.
2008. .
Sliding mode compensation to preserve dynamic decoupling of stable systems. Chemical Engineering Science. 62:4705-4716.
2007. A STATCOM based variable structure control for power system oscillations damping. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 29:241-250.
2007. Trajectory tracking of the cormoran AUV based on a PI-MIMO approach. OCEANS 2007 - Europe.
2007. Variable structure control of a wind energy conversion system based on a brushless doubly fed reluctance generator. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 22:499-506.
2007. A Geometric Approach for the Design of MIMO Sliding Controllers. Application to a Wind Driven Double Output Induction Generator. Variable Structure Systems, 2006. VSS'06. International Workshop on.
2006. Globally stabilizing control of fed-batch processes with Haldane kinetics using growth rate estimation feedback. Journal of Process Control. 16:865-875.
2006. Limiting interactions in decentralized control of MIMO systems. Journal of Process Control. 16:473-483.
2006. Partial decoupling of non-minimum phase processes with bounds on the remaining coupling. Chemical Engineering Science. 61:7706-7716.
2006. Power conditioning for a wind-hydrogen energy system. Journal of Power Sources. 155:478-486.
2006. Wind Turbine Control Systems: Principles, Modelling and Gain-scheduling Design. Advances in Industrial Control.
2006. Control of fed-batch bioreactors. Nonlinear and Adaptive Control: Tools and Algorithms for the User. :207-237.
2005. On Feedback Stabilization of Fed-Batch Bioreactors: Non-Monotonic Growth Kinetics. Biotechnology Progress. 21:651–652.
2005. Gain scheduling control of variable-speed wind energy conversion systems using quasi-LPV models. Control Engineering Practice. 13:247-255.
2005. Sliding mode scheme for adaptive specific growth rate control in biotechnological fed-batch processes. International Journal of Control. 78:128-141.
2005. Supervisor control for a stand-alone hybrid generation system using wind and photovoltaic energy. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 20:398-405.