Selected publications

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Garelli F, Camocardi P, Mantz RJ.  2010.  Variable structure strategy to avoid amplitude and rate saturation in pitch control of a wind turbine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35:5869-5875.
Evangelista CA, Puleston PF, Valenciaga F.  2010.  Wind turbine efficiency optimization. Comparative study of controllers based on second order sliding modes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35:5934-5939.
Puleston PF, Valenciaga F.  2009.  Chattering reduction in a geometric sliding mode method. A robust low-chattering controller for an autonomous wind system. Control and Intelligent Systems. 37:39-45.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Spurgeon S.  2009.  A geometric approach for the design of MIMO sliding controllers. Application to a wind-driven doubly fed induction generator. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 19:22–39.
Picó J, Garelli F, De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2009.  Geometric invariance and reference conditioning ideas for control of overflow metabolism. Journal of Process Control. 19:1617-1626.
Garelli F, Ramírez M.M, Domínguez C.A, Angulo A.M.  2009.  Simulación de un algoritmo para controlar el nivel en tolva ante alimentación discontinua de caña. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI. 6:54-60.
Picó J, De Battista H, Garelli F.  2009.  Smooth sliding-mode observers for specific growth rate and substrate from biomass measurement. Journal of Process Control. 19:1314-1323.
Valenciaga F.  2008.  Active and reactive power control of a brushless doubly fed reluctance machine using high order sliding modes. Electrical Machines, 2008. ICEM 2008. 18th International Conference on.
Garelli F, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2008.  Collective Sliding-Mode Technique for Multivariable Bumpless Transfer. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 47:2721-2727.
Calvo O, Rozenfeld A, Souza A., Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Acosta G.  2008.  Experimental results on smooth path tracking with application to pipe surveying on inexpensive AUV. Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2008. IROS 2008. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF.  2008.  High-Order Sliding Control for a Wind Energy Conversion System Based on a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 23:860-867.
García-Clúa JG, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2008.  Hybrid control of a photovoltaic-hydrogen energy system. Int J Hydrogen Energy. 33:3455-3459.
Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2008.  Hydrogen production from idle generation capacity of wind turbines. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 33:4291-4300.
Bianchi FD, De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2008.  Optimal gain-scheduled control of fixed-speed active stall wind turbines. Renewable Power Generation, IET. 2:228-238.
Garelli F.  2007.  Constrained Control using Variable Structure Systems. PhD
Garelli F, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2007.  Sliding mode compensation to preserve dynamic decoupling of stable systems. Chemical Engineering Science. 62:4705-4716.
Puleston PF, Gonzalez S, Valenciaga F.  2007.  A STATCOM based variable structure control for power system oscillations damping. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. 29:241-250.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Calvo O, Acosta G.  2007.  Trajectory tracking of the cormoran AUV based on a PI-MIMO approach. OCEANS 2007 - Europe.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF.  2007.  Variable structure control of a wind energy conversion system based on a brushless doubly fed reluctance generator. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 22:499-506.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Spurgeon S.  2006.  A Geometric Approach for the Design of MIMO Sliding Controllers. Application to a Wind Driven Double Output Induction Generator. Variable Structure Systems, 2006. VSS'06. International Workshop on.
De Battista H, Picó J, Picó-Marco E.  2006.  Globally stabilizing control of fed-batch processes with Haldane kinetics using growth rate estimation feedback. Journal of Process Control. 16:865-875.
Garelli F, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2006.  Limiting interactions in decentralized control of MIMO systems. Journal of Process Control. 16:473-483.
Garelli F, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2006.  Partial decoupling of non-minimum phase processes with bounds on the remaining coupling. Chemical Engineering Science. 61:7706-7716.
De Battista H, Mantz RJ, Garelli F.  2006.  Power conditioning for a wind-hydrogen energy system. Journal of Power Sources. 155:478-486.
Bianchi FD, De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2006.  Wind Turbine Control Systems: Principles, Modelling and Gain-scheduling Design. Advances in Industrial Control.
Picó J, Picó-Marco E, Navarro JL, De Battista H.  2005.  Control of fed-batch bioreactors. Nonlinear and Adaptive Control: Tools and Algorithms for the User. :207-237.
De Battista H, Picó-Marco E, Picó J.  2005.  On Feedback Stabilization of Fed-Batch Bioreactors: Non-Monotonic Growth Kinetics. Biotechnology Progress. 21:651–652.
Bianchi FD, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2005.  Gain scheduling control of variable-speed wind energy conversion systems using quasi-LPV models. Control Engineering Practice. 13:247-255.
Picó-Marco E, Picó J, De Battista H.  2005.  Sliding mode scheme for adaptive specific growth rate control in biotechnological fed-batch processes. International Journal of Control. 78:128-141.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF.  2005.  Supervisor control for a stand-alone hybrid generation system using wind and photovoltaic energy. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 20:398-405.
