Power Schedule for a Hydro-Wind System Based on a Predictive Algorithm

TitlePower Schedule for a Hydro-Wind System Based on a Predictive Algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsLevieux LI, Ocampo-Martínez C, Inthamoussou FA, De Battista H
Conference Name2018 Argentine Conference on Automatic Control (AADECA)
Date PublishedNov

This article presents an alternative to the traditional power dispatch policy, that includes a predictive controller in the hourly pre-dispatch layer. This approach allows the consideration of previous measurements, like wind resource, in order to improve the planning performance. The proposed control layer is applied to a reservoir hydropower plant and a wind farm operation in a weak network. The proposed controller aims to increase wind penetration while supplying energy demand and maintained reservoir level within normal operation. The results obtained through the use of real data show that, with an adequate prediction horizon, wind penetration can be increased in the system.

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Research Line: 
Control de sistemas de conversión de energías renovables
Control of renewable energy systems
Control of hybrid renewable systems and their integration to the grid
Control de sistemas híbridos de energías renovables y su integración a la red
Control of wind turbines and their integration to the grid