Control of a Supercapacitor Energy Storage System for Microgrid Applications

TitleControl of a Supercapacitor Energy Storage System for Microgrid Applications
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsInthamoussou FA, Pegueroles-Queralt J, Bianchi FD
JournalEnergy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedSept
KeywordsAC-DC converter, AC-DC power convertors, bidirectional DC-DC converter control, DC-DC power convertors, distributed power generation, Energy storage systems (ESS), ESS, experimental setup, grid connected microgrid application, microgrid central controller, microgrids, Nonlinear control, Power electronics, power generation control, power grids, power system interconnection, sliding function, Sliding mode control, sliding mode strategy, stability, stability analysis, supercapacitor energy storage system control, supercapacitors, switching convertors, switching device, variable structure systems

The proper operation of a microgrid requires storage devices that increase the inertia and avoid instability of the system. This paper presents the control of an energy storage system (ESS) based on supercapacitor in the context of grid-connected microgrids. The ESS is composed of AC/DC and DC/DC converters tied by a dc link. A single sliding mode strategy is proposed to control a bidirectional dc/dc converter, capable of working properly under all operating conditions. The switching devices are commanded by a single sliding function, dynamically shaped by references sent from the microgrid central controller. This feature facilitates the implementation and design of the control law and simplifies the stability analysis over the entire operating range. The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is illustrated by experimental results.

Research Line: 
Control de sistemas de conversión de energías renovables
Control of renewable energy systems
Control of hybrid renewable systems and their integration to the grid
Control de sistemas híbridos de energías renovables y su integración a la red