Systems coordination: using geometric set invariance and sliding modes ideas

TitleSystems coordination: using geometric set invariance and sliding modes ideas
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsVignoni A, Garelli F, Picó J
JournalRevista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI
Pagination390 - 401
Keywordssystems coordination geometric set invariance sliding modes multi-agents systems constrained control

Among the possible meanings of the word, this paper will discuss coordinated action to refer to the act on references of systems to achieve some collective behavior desired but considering the constraints and capabilities of each system. To this end, we develop a new methodology based on conditioning techniques reference using geometric invariance sets and sliding mode control. From a general framework, we propose two approaches: a global centralized one and a local through interactions between different systems. The approach addresses the problem of coordinating dynamical systems with possibly different dynamics (e.g. linear and nonlinear, different orders, constraints, etc.).The main idea is to shape the systems local feasible references in order to keep them coordinated.To show the applicability of the approach, the problem of coordinating different dynamical systems with control saturations is addressed as a particular case with both global and local configuration.

Research Line: 
Control de Sistemas Autónomos
Control theory
Control of autonomous systems
Control and coordination of robotic systems
Control y coordinación de sistemas robóticos