Selected publications

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Mantz RJ, Puleston PF, De Battista H.  1999.  Output overshoots in systems with integral action operating in sliding mode. Automatica. 35:1141-1147.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Battaiotto PE, Mantz RJ.  2000.  An adaptive feedback linearization strategy for variable speed wind energy conversion systems. International Journal of Energy Research. 24:151-161.
De Battista H, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2000.  Dynamical sliding mode power control of wind driven induction generators. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 15:451-457.
De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2000.  Harmonic series compensators in power systems: their control via sliding mode. Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 8:939-947.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Battaiotto PE, Mantz RJ.  2000.  Passivity/sliding mode control of a stand-alone hybrid generation system. IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications. 147:680-686.
De Battista H.  2000.  Power Quality Control in Wind Energy Conversion Systems. PhD
Puleston PF, Mantz RJ, Battaiotto PE, Valenciaga F.  2000.  Sliding mode control for efficiency optimization of wind energy systems with double output induction generator. International Journal of Energy Research. 24:77-92.
De Battista H, Puleston PF, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2000.  Sliding mode control of wind energy systems with DOIG-power efficiency and torsional dynamics optimization. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 15:728-734.
Mantz RJ, De Battista H, Puleston PF.  2001.  A new approach to reaching mode of VSS using trajectory planning. Automatica. 37:763-767.
De Battista H, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2001.  Performance analysis of a variable structure controller for power regulation of WECS operating in the stall region. International Journal of Energy Research. 25:1345–1357.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Battaiotto PE.  2001.  Power control of a photovoltaic array in a hybrid electric generation system using sliding mode techniques. IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications. 148:448-455.
Valenciaga F.  2001.  Variable Structure Control of Hybrid Energy Generation Systems. PhD
Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2002.  Sliding Mode Compensation for Windup and Direction of Control Problems in Two-Input-Two-Output Proportional-Integral Controllers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 41:3179-3185.
De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2002.  Variable structure control of a photovoltaic energy converter. Control Theory and Applications, IEE Proceedings -. 149:303-310.
Mantz RJ, De Battista H, Bianchi FD, Fernández R.D.  2003.  Control of the reaching mode in variable structure systems. {Latin American applied research}. 33:469-474.
De Battista H, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2003.  Energy-based approach to the output feedback control of wind energy systems. International Journal of Control. 76:299-308.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Battaiotto PE.  2003.  Power control of a solar/wind generation system without wind measurement: a passivity/sliding mode approach. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 18:501-507.
Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2004.  Comments on "variable-structure PID control to prevent integrator windup". Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. 51:736-738.
Bianchi FD, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2004.  Control of variable-speed wind turbines by LPV gain scheduling. Wind Energy. 7:1–8.
De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2004.  Dynamical variable structure controller for power regulation of wind energy conversion systems. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 19:756-763.
Bianchi FD, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2004.  Power regulation in pitch-controlled variable-speed WECS above rated wind speed. Renewable Energy. 29:1911-1922.
Mantz RJ, De Battista H, Bianchi FD.  2004.  Sliding Mode Conditioning for Constrained Processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 43:8251-8256.
Bianchi FD, De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2004.  On the stability of DC-to-DC converters in photovoltaic systems undergoing sliding motions. International Journal of Systems Science. 35:637-647.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF, Battaiotto PE.  2004.  Variable structure system control design method based on a differential geometric approach: Application to a wind energy conversion subsystem. IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications. 151:6-12.
Picó J, Picó-Marco E, Navarro JL, De Battista H.  2005.  Control of fed-batch bioreactors. Nonlinear and Adaptive Control: Tools and Algorithms for the User. :207-237.
De Battista H, Picó-Marco E, Picó J.  2005.  On Feedback Stabilization of Fed-Batch Bioreactors: Non-Monotonic Growth Kinetics. Biotechnology Progress. 21:651–652.
Bianchi FD, Mantz RJ, Christiansen CF.  2005.  Gain scheduling control of variable-speed wind energy conversion systems using quasi-LPV models. Control Engineering Practice. 13:247-255.
Picó-Marco E, Picó J, De Battista H.  2005.  Sliding mode scheme for adaptive specific growth rate control in biotechnological fed-batch processes. International Journal of Control. 78:128-141.
Valenciaga F, Puleston PF.  2005.  Supervisor control for a stand-alone hybrid generation system using wind and photovoltaic energy. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion. 20:398-405.
Mantz RJ, De Battista H, Bianchi FD.  2005.  VSS global performance improvement based on AW concepts. Automatica. 41:1099-1103.
