Selected publications
VSS global performance improvement based on AW concepts. Automatica. 41:1099-1103.
2005. Comments on "variable-structure PID control to prevent integrator windup". Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. 51:736-738.
2004. Control of variable-speed wind turbines by LPV gain scheduling. Wind Energy. 7:1–8.
2004. Dynamical variable structure controller for power regulation of wind energy conversion systems. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 19:756-763.
2004. Power regulation in pitch-controlled variable-speed WECS above rated wind speed. Renewable Energy. 29:1911-1922.
2004. Sliding Mode Conditioning for Constrained Processes. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 43:8251-8256.
2004. On the stability of DC-to-DC converters in photovoltaic systems undergoing sliding motions. International Journal of Systems Science. 35:637-647.
2004. Variable structure system control design method based on a differential geometric approach: Application to a wind energy conversion subsystem. IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications. 151:6-12.
2004. Control of the reaching mode in variable structure systems. {Latin American applied research}. 33:469-474.
2003. Energy-based approach to the output feedback control of wind energy systems. International Journal of Control. 76:299-308.
2003. Power control of a solar/wind generation system without wind measurement: a passivity/sliding mode approach. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 18:501-507.
2003. Sliding Mode Compensation for Windup and Direction of Control Problems in Two-Input-Two-Output Proportional-Integral Controllers. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 41:3179-3185.
2002. Variable structure control of a photovoltaic energy converter. Control Theory and Applications, IEE Proceedings -. 149:303-310.
2002. A new approach to reaching mode of VSS using trajectory planning. Automatica. 37:763-767.
2001. Performance analysis of a variable structure controller for power regulation of WECS operating in the stall region. International Journal of Energy Research. 25:1345–1357.
2001. Power control of a photovoltaic array in a hybrid electric generation system using sliding mode techniques. IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications. 148:448-455.
2001. .
2001. An adaptive feedback linearization strategy for variable speed wind energy conversion systems. International Journal of Energy Research. 24:151-161.
2000. Dynamical sliding mode power control of wind driven induction generators. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 15:451-457.
2000. Harmonic series compensators in power systems: their control via sliding mode. Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 8:939-947.
2000. Passivity/sliding mode control of a stand-alone hybrid generation system. IEE Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications. 147:680-686.
2000. .
2000. Sliding mode control for efficiency optimization of wind energy systems with double output induction generator. International Journal of Energy Research. 24:77-92.
2000. Sliding mode control of wind energy systems with DOIG-power efficiency and torsional dynamics optimization. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 15:728-734.
2000. Output overshoots in systems with integral action operating in sliding mode. Automatica. 35:1141-1147.