Selected publications

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Evangelista CA, Puleston PF, Valenciaga F, D'ávila A..  2010.  Variable gains super-twisting control for wind energy conversion optimization. Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 2010 11th International Workshop on.
Garelli F, Camocardi P, Mantz RJ.  2010.  Variable structure strategy to avoid amplitude and rate saturation in pitch control of a wind turbine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35:5869-5875.
Evangelista CA, Puleston PF, Valenciaga F.  2010.  Wind turbine efficiency optimization. Comparative study of controllers based on second order sliding modes. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 35:5934-5939.
Garelli F, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2011.  Advanced control for constrained processes and systems.
García-Clúa JG, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2011.  Evaluation of hydrogen production capabilities of a grid-assisted wind-H2 system. Applied Energy. 88:1857-1863.
Garelli F, Gracia L, Sala A, Albertos P.  2011.  Sliding mode speed auto-regulation technique for robotic tracking. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 59:519-529.
De Battista H, Picó J, Garelli F, Vignoni A.  2011.  Specific growth rate estimation in (fed-)batch bioreactors using second-order sliding observers. Journal of Process Control. 21:1049-1055.
Llaneras F, Sala A, Picó J.  2012.  Dynamic estimations of metabolic fluxes with constraint-based models and possibility theory. Journal of Process Control. 22
Inthamoussou FA, Mantz RJ, De Battista H.  2012.  Flexible power control of fuel cells using sliding mode techniques. Journal of Power Sources. 205:281-289.
Bianchi FD, Sánchez-Peña RS, Guadayol M..  2012.  Gain scheduled control based on high fidelity local wind turbine models. Renewable Energy. 37:233-240.
Evangelista CA, Valenciaga F, Puleston PF.  2012.  Multivariable 2-sliding mode control for a wind energy system based on a double fed induction generator. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 37:10070-10075.
Inthamoussou FA, De Battista H, Mantz RJ.  2012.  New concept in maximum power tracking for the control of a photovoltaic/hydrogen system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 37:14951-14958.
De Battista H, Picó J, Picó-Marco E.  2012.  Nonlinear PI control of fed-batch processes for growth rate regulation. Journal of Process Control. 22:789-797.
Gracia L, Sala A, Garelli F.  2012.  A path conditioning method with trap avoidance. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 60:862-873.
De Battista H, Picó J, Garelli F, Navarro JL.  2012.  Reaction rate reconstruction from biomass concentration measurement in bioreactors using modified second-order sliding mode algorithms. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering. 35:1615-1625.
Nuñez S, Garelli F, De Battista H.  2012.  Sliding mode observer for biomass estimation in a biohydrogen production process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 37:10089-10094.
Gracia L, Sala A, Garelli F.  2012.  A supervisory loop approach to fulfill workspace constraints in redundant robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 60:1-15.
Evangelista CA, Valenciaga F, Puleston PF.  2013.  Active and Reactive Power Control for Wind Turbine Based on a MIMO 2-Sliding Mode Algorithm With Variable Gains. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 28:682-689.
Inthamoussou FA, Pegueroles-Queralt J, Bianchi FD.  2013.  Control of a Supercapacitor Energy Storage System for Microgrid Applications. Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on. 28:690-697.
Nuñez S, Garelli F, De Battista H.  2013.  Decentralized Control with Minimum Dissolved Oxygen Guaranties in Aerobic Fed-Batch Cultivations. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 52:18014-18021.
García-Clúa JG.  2013.  Hybrid Control Systems. Application to Hydrogen Generation from Renewable Energy Resources. PhD
Gracia L, Garelli F, Sala A.  2013.  Integrated sliding-mode algorithms in robot tracking applications. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 29:53-62.
Evangelista CA, Puleston PF, Valenciaga F, Fridman LM.  2013.  Lyapunov-Designed Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Control for Wind Energy Conversion Optimization. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on. 60:538-545.
León-Vargas F, Garelli F, De Battista H, Vehí J.  2013.  Postprandial blood glucose control using a hybrid adaptive PD controller with insulin-on-board limitation. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 8:724-732.
Gracia L, Garelli F, Sala A.  2013.  Reactive Sliding-Mode Algorithm for Collision Avoidance in Robotic Systems. Control Systems Technology, IEEE Transactions on. 21:2391-2399.
Revert A, Garelli F, Picó J, De Battista H, Rossetti P, Vehí J, Bondia J.  2013.  Safety Auxiliary Feedback Element for the Artificial Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 60:2113-2122.
Nuñez S, De Battista H, Garelli F, Vignoni A, Picó J.  2013.  Second-order sliding mode observer for multiple kinetic rates estimation in bioprocesses. Control Engineering Practice. 21:1259-1265.
Vignoni A, Garelli F, Picó J.  2013.  Sliding Mode Reference Coordination of Constrained Feedback Systems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. :ID-764348,11pages.
Picó J, Picó-Marco E, Vignoni A, De Battista H.  2013.  Stability preserving maps for finite-time convergence: Super-twisting sliding-mode algorithm. Automatica. 49:534-539.
Vignoni A, Garelli F, Picó J.  2013.  Systems coordination: using geometric set invariance and sliding modes ideas. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI. 10:390-401.
